Agriturismo Podere Scarpetta
The house is located in the region Umbria, the green heart of Italy, near the castle of Fabro. the house is Ideal for families, absolutely independent, and there are 3 bedrooms for a total of 8 places, kitchen with fireplace, 2 baths, a 40 mqs saloon with fireplace and a wide garden and garage. It's placed deep in the locales of Italy, thereby immersing guests to Italian culture and daily living. It offers more than just fun and excitement we normally get from the likes of Britannia Hotel Birmingham, as it provides its visitors a glimpse of the rich Italian heritage and way of living.

In the heart of central Italy with no more than 1 hour with a car you can reach the most beautiful cities of art as Florence, Todi, Assisi, Spoleto, Perugia, Siena, Arezzo, Orvieto, Rome, lake of Bolsena and the sea.